A hobo...

Kari and Frida are walking home from the school, after watering the plants..

K: Frida, do you know what a hobo is?
F: Yes, its a homeless person..
K: Yeah, but do you know how you can tell that he is a hobo?
F: How do you mean Kari?

K: He has a brown leather jacket, always drunk, long beard, its grey and dirty, he has a bottle wrapped in a paperbag, he is poor, havent got any money at all, no shoes and grey socks that has holes in them and gloves that has no fingertips, they are mean...

F: Mean?
K: Yes! They look at you all the time and they want your things!
F: Shouldnt you help them?
K: My parents can do that, I dont have any money myself!

Later on, we were discussing sugar and that everyone should try eating less...

K: I know, you could be a hobo!
F: Why? And what does that have to do with sugar?
K: Because hobos have no money, so if you dont have any money you cant buy anything, not even food,  and you cant buy candy either, you would get very thin!
F: Haha, thanks Kari, do you think I need to get thinner?
K: No, but you brought it up!


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