Säg det med en sång
Are you male or female: Dark eyed Molly
Describe yourself: Honeysuckle Rose
How do some people feel about you: Fine And Mellow
How do you feel about yourself: Wayfaring stranger
Describe your boyfriend: Drowning in the sea of love
Describe where you want to be: Way beyond the blue
Describe what you want to be: Who knows where the time goes
Describe what you want: Songbird
Describe how you live: Cheek To Cheek
Describe how you love: Hallelujah, i love him so
Share a few words of wisdom: It don't mean a thing (if it ain't got that swing)
Beskriv med hjälp av en låt från en speciell grupp/artist.. sött och fint tycker jag. Jag valde min favorit, Eva Cassidy